Pubblicato il 27/06/2023

eLogy: how environmentally friendly logistics can make the difference


eLogy is proud to share the results obtained by adopting a series of solutions aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of ecommerce logistics. These results were recently published in the Gazzetta di Milano, highlighting how centralized warehouses are a more efficient management system, making it possible to optimize shipments and significantly reduce CO2 transport emissions. This is a solution that promotes and implements more sustainability in the ecommerce sector.


Example of CO2 emissions in 1 year of an average eLogy customer with 2000 shipments per month:


Option 1:

Rome – Madrid

Option 2:

Barcelona – Madrid

The average value of the emission factor for road transport of heavy vehicles is around 0.075 kg CO2 per tonne-kilometre (75 g CO2/tkm) (source: EEA).

Option 1:

CO2 emissions per shipment = (0.075 kg CO2/tkm) x (1500 km) x (500 kg) = 56.25 kg CO2

CO2 emissions per year = (56.25 kg CO2/shipment) x (2000 shipments/month) x (12 months) = 1,350,000 kg CO2

Option 2:

CO2 emissions per shipment = (0.075 kg CO2/tkm) x (600 km) x (500 kg) = 22.5 kg CO2

CO2 emissions per year = (22.5 kg CO2/shipment) x (2000 shipments/month) x (12 months) = 540,000 kg CO2

With option 2, i.e. thanks to a centralized eLogy warehouse in Spain, we are able to save up to 810,000 kg of CO2 in a year which are equal to:


  • About 400 train journeys from Milan to Rome (Source:

  • Around 140 return flights between London and Rome (Source:


In this way, ecommerce businesses can save on their shipments, getting closer to customers, but, above all, they will contribute significantly to the global effort to combat fight change.

eLogy is committed to building sustainable logistics, implementing more and more green and innovative logistics solutions to support companies in their transition towards environmentally friendly ecommerce.

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